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710 Tunnel: “The Dark Backward?”

21 May

710 Tunnel: “The Dark Backward?”  You may have read in Pasadena NOW and in the Star-News this week that Mayor Tornek plans to seek council support and ask Pasadena voters to repeal Measure A, the 2001 initiative requiring the city to “be in favor” of the 710 extension (tunnel). Such repeal would allow […]

Water Restrictions

3 Jun

Pasadena on June 1st adopted new water restrictions. The new rules are: Bans outdoor watering on Thursdays. Outdoor watering is now allowed only on two days per week; Tuesdays and Saturdays, before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Adopts a 28-percent water conservation goal citywide that aligns Pasadena with mandated reductions set by the State Reinforces […]