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710 Tunnel: “The Dark Backward?”

21 May

710 Tunnel: “The Dark Backward?”  You may have read in Pasadena NOW and in the Star-News this week that Mayor Tornek plans to seek council support and ask Pasadena voters to repeal Measure A, the 2001 initiative requiring the city to “be in favor” of the 710 extension (tunnel). Such repeal would allow […]

Metro’s Proposed Measure

23 Jan

Background:  The language in Metro’s new Measure R2, slated to be on the November ballot, may include, along with transit programs, further funding for the 710 tunnel. The former transit proposal: Measure J, lost because of anti-710 voters in our area. The Metro Board does not understand we are serious about our opposition to the tunnel debacle. […]

Historic Vote – NO TUNNEL!

14 Apr

The Pasadena City Council on April 13, 2015, in a historic vote, votes 5-3 to oppose the alternative F7 tunnel option in the recently released Metro DEIR! Steve Madison, Councilman for District 6, motioned to amend the staff recommendation to include opposition language. After discussion, the motion passed 5-3. In a matter agendized for the meeting, the […]