About Us
Mission Statement
The San Rafael Neighborhoods Association’s mission is to enhance and maintain the character and quality of all San Rafael neighborhoods through advocacy and an activated community.
About Us
The San Rafael Neighborhoods Association was founded by local residents in Southwest Pasadena who believed that the voices of our neighborhood needed to be heard more strongly and clearly. The abrupt closure of Fire Station 39 in West Pasadena in April 2011, without forewarning or fire safety replacement plans in place finally, activated the community to action. Over 600 residents in the San Rafael neighborhoods not only signed the petition to protest the Fire Station closure, which was subsequently presented to the Pasadena City Council , but they let community leaders know they were not happy with the status quo. They shared their concerns about the numerous issues facing our neighborhoods from public and fire safety to streets and sidewalks in need of repair.
SRNA: Your local neighborhood association for the neighborhoods.
San Rafael Neighborhoods Association is a California non-profit corporation. Donations are not tax deductible. SRNA is registered with the City of Pasadena Neighborhood Connections.
Members of the SRNA believe that your association can have a significant impact on the quality of life of our residential community. SRNA believes the time has come to have a community association play a major role in protecting its residents and safeguarding the treasures of the neighborhoods we love.
SRNA is committed to
- Helping San Rafael neighbors voices be heard in decisions that affect our neighborhood livability
- Protecting the health, safety and quality of life of San Rafael neighbors
SRNA will accomplish this goal through a number of community outreach and advocacy activities. As you peruse this website, you will see the range of activities SRNA is involved in to make our neighborhoods safer and more enjoyable to live in for all residents.
2025 Meetings:
- SRNA meetings will be via Zoom until further notice. Next scheduled meeting is: January 8th, 2024 7pm (Zoom). If you are interested in attending the public portion of the meeting please request an invite with your name, street name and phone/email info@srnapasadena.org
Meeting Schedule:
March 12th 7pm
May 14th 7pm
July 9th 7pm
August 5th – National Night Out. See You There!
September 10th 7PM
November 12, 7pm – Annual Meeting
2025 Board of Directors & Officers:
PRESIDENT | David Quigg |
VICE-PRESIDENT | Cesar Quezada |
TREASURER | Cesar Quezada |
RECORDING SECRETARY (Interim) | Andy Gooden |
DIRECTOR | Toby McGill |
DIRECTOR | Ed Graf |
DIRECTOR | Mary Beth Bridges |
DIRECTOR | George Falardeau |
DIRECTOR | David DiCristofaro |
DIRECTOR | David Quigg |
DIRECTOR | Andy Gooden |
DIRECTOR | Lisa Quinn |
DIRECTOR | Cesar Quezada |
DIRECTOR | Lisseth Ochoa-Chavarria |
DIRECTOR | Ken Chawkins |
Advisory | Stan Clark |
Utility Advisor | Joanne Fletcher |
Artist | Wendi Moffley |
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