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Water Restrictions

16 Jul

Pasadena on June 1st adopted new water restrictions. The new rules are: Bans outdoor watering on Thursdays. Outdoor watering is now allowed only on two days per week; Tuesdays and Saturdays, before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Adopts a 28-percent water conservation goal citywide that aligns Pasadena with mandated reductions set by the State Reinforces […]

Water Restrictions

3 Jun

Pasadena on June 1st adopted new water restrictions. The new rules are: Bans outdoor watering on Thursdays. Outdoor watering is now allowed only on two days per week; Tuesdays and Saturdays, before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Adopts a 28-percent water conservation goal citywide that aligns Pasadena with mandated reductions set by the State Reinforces […]