710 EIR Released!

7 Mar

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) have released a Draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) on proposals regarding the 4.5 mile gap between the 1-210 Freeway in Pasadena and the end of the 1-710 freeway in East Los Angeles.

To view the Press Release: PR 710 EIR

To view the actual EIR: 710 EIR/EIS Study

Here are the report’s sections:

Environmental Documents PAGES
SR710 – Draft EIR-EIS
·         SR 710 No. Study Draft EIR_EIS Vol I (Report) 1294
·         SR 710 No. Study Draft EIR_EIS Vol II (Appendices) 966
    Technical Studies
·         Air Quality Analysis 
o    SR 710 Air Quality Analysis Vol I.pdf 128
o    SR 710 Air Quality Analysis Vol II Appendices.pdf 205
·         Community Impact Assessment 
o    SR 710 Community Impact Assess Vol I.pdf 542
o    SR 710 Community Impact Assess Vol II.pdf 857
·         Cumulative Impacts Assessment 
o    SR 710 Cumulative Impacts Assessment.pdf 242
·         Drainage Report 
o    SR 710 Drainage Report.pdf 185
·         Energy Technical Report 
o    SR 710 Energy Technical Report.pdf 68
·         Geologic Hazard Evaluation 
o    SR 710 Geologic Hazard Evaluation.pdf 130
·         Groundborne Noise and Vibration Impacts 
o    SR 710 Groundborne Noise Vibration Impacts.pdf 96
·         Health Risk Assessment 
o    SR 710 Health Risk Assessment Vol I.pdf 108
·         Historic Property Survey Report 
o    SR 710 Historic Property Survey Report.pdf 59
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach A Maps all.pdf 121
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach B Bridge Lists.pdf 8
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach C1 Historical Resources Evaluation Report.pdf 129
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach C2 DPR Forms APE Map 3A Properties.pdf 1369
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach C3 DPR Forms APE Map 3B Properties.pdf 467
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach C4 DPR Forms APE Map 3C Properties.pdf 44
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach C5 DPR Forms Historic Districts.pdf 191
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach D ASR.pdf 2
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach E Native American Consultation.pdf 43
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach F Records Search.pdf 18
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach G Historical Outreach.pdf 13
o    SR 710 HPSR Attach H Determination Docs.pdf 255
·         Location Hydraulic Study 
o    SR 710 Location Hydraulic Study.pdf 78
·         Natural Environment Study 
o    SR 710 Natural Environment Study Vol I.pdf 160
o    SR 710 Natural Environment Study Vol II Appendices.pdf 523
·         Noise Abatement Decision Report 
o    SR 710 Noise Abatement Decision Rpt Vol I.pdf 116
o    SR 710 Noise Abatement Decision Rpt Vol II Figures.pdf 79
·         Noise Study Report 
o    SR 710 Noise Study Report Vol I Rpt Appendices.pdf 703
o    SR 710 Noise Study Report Vol II Figures.pdf 135
·         Paleo Identification Evaluation Report 
o    SR 710 Paleo Identification Evaluation Report.pdf 143
·         Phase I Initial Site Assessment 
o    SR 710 Phase I Initial Site Assessment.pdf 4470
·         Prelim Geotechnical Report 
SR 710 Prelim Geotech App A.3 CorePhotos Files 
§  A-13-015_CorePhotos.pdf 7
§  A-13-016_CorePhotos.pdf 4
§  A-13-017_CorePhotos.pdf 7
§  A-13-022_CorePhotos.pdf 7
§  A-13-024_CorePhotos.pdf 8
§  A-13-025_CorePhotos.pdf 8
§  A-13-026_CorePhotos.pdf 7
§  A-13-027_CorePhotos.pdf 7
§  A-13-034_CorePhotos.pdf 6
§  A-13-035_CorePhotos.pdf 5
§  O-13-010_CorePhotos.pdf 35
§  O-13-023_CorePhotos.pdf 32
§  R-09-Z1B8_CorePhotos.pdf 12
§  R-09-Z2B5_CorePhotos.pdf 40
§  R-09-Z3B11_CorePhotos.pdf 16
§  R-09-Z3B12_CorePhotos.pdf 33
§  R-09-Z3B2_CorePhotos.pdf 13
§  R-09-Z3B3_CorePhotos.pdf 123
§  R-09-Z3B4_CorePhotos.pdf 12
§  R-09-Z3B6_CorePhotos.pdf 13
§  R-09-Z3B8_CorePhotos.pdf 63
§  R-09-Z4B4_CorePhotos.pdf 21
§  RC-13-002_CorePhotos.pdf 6
§  RC-13-003_CorePhotos.pdf 6
§  RC-13-004_CorePhotos.pdf 4
§  RC-13-005_CorePhotos.pdf 8
§  RC-13-006_CorePhotos.pdf 2
§  RC-13-007_CorePhotos.pdf 11
§  RC-13-009_CorePhotos.pdf 6
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App A.1 CurrentLogs.pdf 127
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App A.2 PreviousBoringsLogs.pdf 141
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App B In Situ Test Results.pdf 762
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App C Groundwater Monitor.pdf 9
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App D Laboratory Test Results.pdf 708
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App E Fault Rupture Memo.pdf 20
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App F Prelim EQ ARS TM.pdf 20
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech App G Fault Invest.pdf 27
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech Figures and Plates.pdf 24
o    SR 710 Prelim Geotech Report.pdf 142
·         Relocation Impact Report 
o    SR 710 Relocation Impact Report.pdf 99
·         Storm Water Data Report 
o    SR710 Storm Water Data Report.pdf 75
·         Summary Floodplain Encroachment Report 
o    SR 710 Summary Floodplain Encroachment Report.pdf 40
·         Transportation Technical Report 
o    SR 710 Transportation Tech Report.pdf 408
o    SR 710 TransportationTechReport Appendices.pdf 8622
·         Tunnel Evaluation 
o    SR 710 Tunnel Evaluation Report.pdf 374
·         Tunnel Systems Report 
o    SR710 Tunnel Systems Report.pdf 138
·         Visual Imapct Assessment 
o    SR 710 Visual Imapct Assessment.pdf 262
·         Water Quality Assessment Report 
o    SR 710 Water Quality Assessment Report.pdf 156
TOTAL 26623



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