No Outdoor Watering!
5 Feb
NO OUTDOOR WATERING – Including by hand – FEB 25 TO MARCH 10, 2016
Effective February 25 through March 10, 2016, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) will be shutting down its Weymouth Treatment Plant for planned upgrades. The shutdown will affect Pasadena from receiving its imported water delivery, which provides 60 percent of the City’s overall water supply.
In January, the City Council is expected to approve a temporary adoption and implementation of its Level 4 Water Supply Shortage Plan during the shutdown period. It is critical that Pasadena be able to preserve its drinking water as the City will have to rely on local groundwater from our wells and water stored in our reservoirs. Without strong conservation during this period, Pasadena will not have a sufficient water supply during the shutdown period.
The implementation of the Level 4 Shortage Plan status prohibits the use of all outdoor watering, including the use of hand watering. The City will continue to do its part to conserve water and during this time period will not conduct any scheduled water quality flushing, new service connections and fire flow testing.
During the last MWD Shutdown in 2013, a Level 4 Shortage Plan was implemented and the City received tremendous compliance from the community. We are asking for the same support this year. To learn more, visit
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