Historic Vote – NO TUNNEL!
14 Apr
The Pasadena City Council on April 13, 2015, in a historic vote, votes 5-3 to oppose the alternative F7 tunnel option in the recently released Metro DEIR!
Steve Madison, Councilman for District 6, motioned to amend the staff recommendation to include opposition language. After discussion, the motion passed 5-3.
In a matter agendized for the meeting, the city council voted unanimously to endorse the alternative proposed by the Pasadena Working Group recommending a multi-modal approach of transportation options designed to anticipate future local and regional needs.
For more information: www.pasadenanow.com/main/pasadena-city-council-votes-to-oppose-710-tunnel/
SRNA supports regional solutions responsive to community concerns in planning for the movement of goods and people. The tunnel option is NOT that! We are grateful to the opposition vote on behalf of the San Rafael neighborhoods!
Public comments made at the council meeting will not be part of the official DEIR record. Please send your comments by July 6, 2015 to:
Mr. Garrett Damrath, Chief Environmental Planner, Division of Environmental Planning, Department of Transportation, District 7, 100 S. Main St, MS-16A, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Or go online to submit e-mail comments at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/dist07/resources/envdocs/docs/710study/draft_eir-eis/comments.php
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