Storm Water Bill: CA Senate 231

7 Jun

San Rafael Neighborhoods Association (SRNA) joins a growing number of organizations, cities, and newspaper editorial boards across the State of California opposing CA Senate Bill 231 (Hertzberg) disingenuously re-defining the treatment of “stormwater” as “sewer.”

The bill as presently designed avoids taking a new stormwater parcel tax to voters, California’s legal taxation process mandated by Prop. 218 – “The Right to Vote on Taxes Act.”

Senator Hertzberg, in twisting definitions of clearly limited Prop. 218 exclusions – for water, sewer and trash – is creating an open-ended loophole to covertly increase parcel tax assessments throughout California on anything defined as “basic daily services,” thereby by-passing legally required voter consent.

If Senator Hertzberg is successful with SB 231 residents across the state (owners and renters alike) will be hit with a pair of costly surprises, newly-defined as “sewer” services.

For more information: http:


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